Kwon’s Outro

What if you’re the co-sign you’ve been waiting on? No more resting in defeat, hoping to be discovered. I don’t think Gold sits around waiting to be found. Even so, if no one found it, does that mean it isn’t Gold? Does the value of it come from who assigned it value? Or is it inherent in the fact that everyone endlessly searches for it? If no one found you, you’re still Gold.

Seeds are just flowers waiting for someone to fall in love with them.

​Gold will be gold whether it is discovered or not. The moment monetary value is assigned to it by the outside, it’s no longer priceless. You assign your value, then don’t offer yourself for sale— or, sell yourself for what you know you’re worth. Either way, value is there. I'm sure diamonds laugh at testers used to determine their authenticity.

Gold was always Gold. Even before we thought it was precious enough to steal. The gold is you. Your co-sign is what matters.

Told by: Kwon


Kwon’s Interlude

